Colégio de Santa Eulália started Second Cycle in the school year of 2017-18.

In Second Cycle, activities are from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., incorporating core subjects and extra-curricular activities, namely Spanish; Choir and Drama complementing art education and tutoring.

Take a look at a daily timetable here

Teachers of extracurricular activities develop their lesson together with interdisciplinary teams, with the class teacher, strengthening the development of skills and educational purpose.

All children included, have access to extracurricular activities, in principle equality point of view.

Extracurricular activities/optional, are after 5p.m. Check here

The monthly fee Includes:

1. Disciplinary areas of the national curriculum

– Programming and Robotics in the area of Information and Communication Technologies
– Theatre and Choir in the area of complement to Artistic Education
– Tutoring

2. Lunch

Lunch meal included

3. Transportation for the performance of curricular activities outside the school

For example, Physical Education.

4. Free workshops on school interruptions

(Capoeira, skating, dance, theater, Mandarin, architecture, sport…)

O valor da mensalidade não inclui:

1. Curricular Enrichment Activities (Optional)

– Taekwondo
– Skating
– Football
– Acrobatic Gymnastics
– Musical instrument, individually (piano and guitar)

See more

2. Serviços técnicos de apoio especializado.

And other resources required by particular cases: Speech Therapy, Psychology, Multisensory Intervention (Health Space)

3. Costs associated with field trips