The Pedagogical Model of Santa Eulália College aims at the global development of students and, therefore, seeks to cross different contexts of life, environments and experiences.
The activities promoted, formal and non-formal, always depart from the pedagogical intention, in the sense of the development of transversal competencies.

The Pedagogical Model conveys the philosophy of the College – promoting meaningful learning, in a healthy environment, of physical and emotional well-being. Educational environments and innovative methodologies challenge and predispose to active learning.

“There are schools that are cages and there are schools that are wings.” (Ruben Alves).
Santa Eulalia College is a “school with wings!”

Spaces with educational role

Classes in the Outdoor Spaces

The College has outdoor spaces with gardens that function as complementary environments for learning. The team often uses these spaces for classes and/or activities from different areas, in transdisciplinary logic.

New Technologies

Technology is part of everyone's life, and at the College, children learn to use technological tools for their development. All rooms have technological equipment (interactive whiteboards, interactive table and others), which function as complementary learning resources.

Laboratory of Experimental Sciences

In order to promote direct contact with experimental contexts, the College has an equipped laboratory, where students are challenged to know the phenomena of the world around them.

Experimentation, material manipulation, research, stimulate the student's reasoning, making him a builder of his knowledge.

Artist's House

Casinha do Artista aims to strengthen the acquisition of skills in several areas: literary, artistic and social education. Often, artists and professionals from other areas are invited to share knowledge with students. This dynamic stimulates interest in the various social and cultural areas inspiring and making our students dream.

Innovative methodologies

Leitura Diária de Notícias
Daily reading of news

Every day students are motivated to discuss, reflect and share news, which have access to paper (newspapers and magazines) or digital (interactive desk, computer, tablet). This dynamic strengthens contact with the surrounding world and promotes the development of skills, such as the ability to analyse, select information and critical sense.

Parent meetings held by students

Parent meetings have an active and direct intervention of students. They present, exemplify, and demonstrate acquired skills and/or knowledge. These situations are an opportunity for the development of competencies such as the organization and articulation of discourse, social interaction, sharing of ideas or information in a large group (public), among others.

Projeto Financeiro
Financial Project

Thought, developed and managed by students, the financial project ``Plant to harvest €`` starts from business ideas, in an entrepreneurial logic,. It is intended to raise financial resources for the realization / application in an objective, previously defined at the beginning of each school year.

This project allows developing the financial literacy of students, through the creation of savings systems, the negotiation of loans (with or without interest), the use of financial systems (accounting books, balance statements and movements) and management of their own business (entrepreneurship, analysis, resource management...).

CLIL methodology and Cambridge English

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and Cambridge English Methodology

The College focuses on the development of language skills, focusing mainly on English. This methodology promotes the use of foreign language in informal moments, in extracurricular activities and in other similar contexts. Under the CLIL methodology, some classes in specific areas, such as the study of the medium, are taught in English, in a system of supporting role.


The College, being one of CASTIIS' responses, has the opportunity to promote intergenerational dynamics. This possibility allows the development of essential competences in the personal and social domain, particularly values such as empathy, respect for difference, interhelming. We believe that interaction and experiences shared with seniors have a very positive impact on the education of children.

Testimonies of Parents and Children

Some words of those who know us best.

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