Aware of the constant changes and demands of the surrounding world, the Educational Project aims to challenge everyone involved to project the future, in the short, medium and long term, based on the experiences of the present.
Today, immersed in a technological world that challenges us and opens up immense opportunities but, at the same time, it diverts us from the basic values, the activities promoted within the scope of this EP seek the holistic development of the Person.
“As almas dos velhos e das crianças brincam no mesmo tempo. As crianças ainda sabem aquilo que os velhos esqueceram e têm de aprender de novo: que a vida é brinquedo que para nada serve, a não ser para a alegria!”
- Ruben Alves
Challenge the Present, Create the Future!
It is intended to invest in the training of competent people, with a transversal, flexible competence profile, but always committed to the common good.
CASTIIS assumes itself as an active, differentiated learning space, in which children, youth, adults and the elderly build and share knowledge, in a collaborative and responsible process.
People’s needs (children, youth and the elderly) have been changing due to changes in the global context and CASTIIS has sought to adjust itself continuously. This EP allows the introduction of innovative practices that seek to respond to the identified needs, in an integrated and multidimensional logic. It highlights the importance that new technologies can have in improving the quality of life, in the teaching-learning processes or the community experience.
Intervention Domains
Starting from a multidisciplinary and transversal approach, the Educational Project considers the following areas of intervention:
I – Well-being and Quality of Life
II – Holistic development of the child
III – Proximity to Institution – Family
IV – Community Involvement
V – Organizational development