Colégio de Santa Eulália is a private school which has begun its existence in the school year of 2010-11. It integrates into its training offer, first and second cycles, having students from year 1 to year 6.
Colégio is one of CASTIIS branch, a private social welfare entity, in business since 1987, which also provides, preschool and nursery school.
It can be distinguished by its differentiated and innovative academic principles, taught by a highly qualified technical and pedagogical team.
It invests on an educational process which values an intergenerational element and mobilizes, in an interdisciplinary way, several components of a student.
Teaching practices in Colégio attend the individual characteristics of the students, promoting effective, meaningful and motivating learning, seeking their full development.
Our mission
Train students in a multidimensional perspective, in a context of excellence, aiming at their integral development (knowing-being, knowing-being, knowing-doing, knowing-becoming)
- Autonomy
- Critical thinking
- Proactivity
- Empathy
- Entrepreneurship
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Flexibility
Our vision
Promote the development of a transversal and flexible competence profile that allows a healthy and integral integration, in a society in constant change.